Privacy Policy


Your privacy rights are important to us. We recognize that when you choose to provide your personal information, you want Norseman to use this information responsibly. We are committed to using your information to help us provide you with better services. We manage your personal information in accordance with Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act, British Columbia's Personal Information Protection Act, the Federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, and other applicable laws (together referred to as “the Applicable Privacy Laws”).

This policy ("Privacy Policy") describes the principles and practices Norseman follows in protecting the information provided by you and is intended to help you make informed decisions concerning disclosure of your information. By using or registering on the website, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy. A copy of this policy is available on our websites (including,, and as well as through an email request at

What information does Norseman request, and how is it used?

We collect only the personal information that we reasonably require for the purposes of providing certain services to our customers, including information needed to sell products and services; send out promotional and marketing information; contact customers regarding updates about our products and upcoming events of interest; comply with regulatory requirements; ensure customers’ safety and security within our facilities, and to follow up on customers’ satisfaction with our products and services.

The personally identifying information about you and your company that we collect when you register on our website includes such information as your name, company name, phone number, address, e-mail address, and the product you are inquiring about. This registration information is used to identify you and enables us to communicate with you, and better understand what kind of additional content and services that may interest you. We may also compile certain information you provide us into aggregate profile data, which we use for market and trend analysis, and other purposes.

Who has access to my information?

Without your consent, we will not disclose your personally identifiable information to third parties except to the extent that any legal process requires it, or where we believe disclosure is necessary to protect or enforce our rights or the rights of any third party or as otherwise stated in this Policy. If we wish to use or disclose your personal information for any new business purpose, we will request your consent.

Occasionally, we may engage service providers (based in Canada or USA) to manage some of our operations such as advertising, promotion, and conduct of opinion and market research. These service providers may have access to your personal information on a confidential basis to the extent necessary to perform their function. In no event shall these service providers have the right to use your personal information for any reason other than to provide you with specific services, except as may be authorized by law.

Although we will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard the privacy of your company and personal information, transmissions made by means of the Internet cannot be made absolutely secure. Also, please note that we do not control the privacy policies of our service providers and other third-party sites to which we provide banner ads and links. Accordingly, Norseman assumes no liability for disclosure of any information due to errors in transmission, unauthorized acts of third parties, or resulting from information provided other than through our website.

What else should I know about my privacy?

You should be aware that if you voluntarily disclose personal information online in a public area, your information may be collected and used by others. We do not control the actions of our visitors and registered users. If you disclose personal information in a discussion room, forum, or any other publicly accessible place on the website, you do so at your own risk and you understand that your submitted information may be collected and used by others.

Updating personal information

We make every reasonable effort to ensure that the information we collect is accurate and complete. We rely on our customers to notify us if there is a change to their personal information that may affect their relationship with our company. If you are aware of an error in your information with us, we request that you please notify us in writing and we will correct it as soon as possible.

Securing and safeguarding your personal information

We store all information we gather from you on proprietary servers. We protect customers’ personal information in a manner appropriate for the sensitivity of the information. We make every reasonable effort to prevent any loss, misuse, disclosure, or modification of personal information, as well as any unauthorized access to personal information. We ensure that every employee and contractor signs confidentiality agreements to protect customers’ information and use up-to-date technological protections such as firewalls and passwords.

In the event of a security breach affecting personal information, we will notify the office of the privacy commissioner or the Ombudsperson in your jurisdiction (and other applicable office or authority with jurisdiction that requires such notification), without delay. Where a security breach creates a real risk of significant harm, we will notify the affected individuals.

Norseman retains customers’ personal information only as long as is reasonable to fulfill the purposes for which the information was collected or for legal or business purposes. We use appropriate security measures when destroying customers’ personal information, including shredding paper records and permanently deleting electronic records.

Customers of Norseman have a right of access to their own personal information in a record that is in our custody or under our control, subject to some exceptions. For example, under the Applicable Privacy Laws, organizations are required to refuse to provide access to information that would reveal personal information about another individual. Organizations are authorized under the Applicable Privacy Laws to refuse access to personal information if disclosure would reveal confidential business information. Access may also be refused if the information is privileged or contained in mediation records.

If we refuse a request in whole or in part, we will provide the reasons for the refusal. In some cases where exceptions to access apply, we may withhold that information and provide you with the remainder of the record.

Making a request for personal information

You may make a request for access to your personal information by writing to us, at 14545 - 115 Avenue Edmonton, AB, T5M 3B8, or email Our personnel in charge of privacy matters are designated to ensure compliance with the Applicable Privacy Laws. You must provide sufficient information in your request to allow us to identify the information you are seeking.

You may also request information about our use of your personal information and any disclosure of that information to persons outside our organization.

Norseman will respond to your request for information or to updating or correction of information within 45 calendar days, unless an extension is granted. We may charge a reasonable fee to provide information, but not to make a correction. We will advise you of any fees that may apply before beginning to process your request.

Questions or concerns

If you have a question or concern about any collection, use, or disclosure of personal information by Norseman or about a request for access to your own personal information, or you wish to discontinue contact with us, please contact us at:

Norseman Inc. 14545 - 115 Avenue Edmonton, AB, T5M 3B8 Email: Toll-free: 1(800) 268-1918

If you are not satisfied with our response, you can contact the agency charged with the oversight responsibility of the Applicable Privacy Laws in your jurisdiction.

If you are in Alberta, contact:

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta Suite 2460, 801 - 6 Avenue, SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 3W2 Telephone: (403) 297-2728 Email:


If you are in British Columbia, contact:

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia 4th Floor, 947 Fort Street Victoria BC V8V 3K3 Telephone: (250) 387-5629  Email:


For all other locations, contact:

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada 30, Victoria Street Gatineau, Quebec K1A 1H3 Toll-free: 1(800) 282-1376 Telephone: (819) 994-5444 TTY: (819) 994-6591
